Helga Joergens   Paintings, Sculptures and Works on Paper

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The artist in her studio. (She is left-handed.)


Information about the Artist


·         Studied History of Art, History and Mediaeval German Literature at the Universities of Hamburg and Göttingen, Germany, graduating with a doctorate in History of Art on the German Sculptor Edwin Scharff (1887 - 1955)

·         At Göttingen University, took part in etching, life drawing and portrait drawing courses

·         In Germany worked in research and curated exhibitions in two public art galleries: Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, and Kunsthalle Bremen, Bremen

·         Moved to London in 1990

·         Taught History of Art and Design (Contextual / Critical Studies) in Further, Higher and Adult Education in London

·         Studied Paper Conservation at Camberwell College of Art, London, graduating with an MA

·         Worked as an independent paper conservator specialising in conservation, restoration and framing of artworks on paper as well as conserving and framing documents

·         Moved to West Norfolk in 2013

·         Can be found on Instagram @ helgajoergens


·      Is married to the painter David Lendrum (www.davidlendrum.co.uk).


Creates figurative or abstract drawings, paintings and monoprints either from observation or the imagination as well as small abstract sculptures.


During Covid-19 restrictions, I found consolation in nature. Many of my works depict landscapes but they are imagined scenes. When starting an abstract picture, I may have an idea of a mood or the choice of colours I want to display but I never know what the result will be. The image develops in the painting process which is like a dialogue between the emerging picture and me. Despite the dark elements like clouds or rocks which seem to threaten the viewer, there is light that gives us hope and this light of hope is very important to me.



Solo Exhibition

2019 Ringstead Village Hall

Two Person Exhibition

Group Exhibitions

Online Exhibitions 

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